Water Rafting

Indus River :
Indus River as well as its major tributaries in Ladakh offers a wide range of river rafting options. One of the best stretches on the Indus River is the one between Spituk and Nimu or Saspol. However, those new to river rafting must go for the easiest stretch upstream from Spituk up to Karu.
Zanskar River :
Zanskar River in Ladakh has on offer some of the most difficult, but exciting, rafting options. One of these stretches is the one between Padum and Nimu, through a gorge in the Zanskar Mountains. However, this trek will take upto a week
Explore Ladakh - River Rafting in Ladakh
A range of rafting options is available on the Indus and its major tributaries. The best stretch for professionally guided runs in white water is on the Indus between Spituk and Saspol. Beyond Saspol, the river becomes difficult and funning it requires technically skilled participants and careful organization. Upward of Spituk, the Indus has the easiest stretch up to Karu, ideal for basic training and for day-return "scenic floating" for amateurs. In recent years, running the Indus has become an attractive alternative to trekking and features on the itinerary of most visitors. Several agencies in Leh offer attractive rafting packages. Ask for details at the Tourist Office at Leh. They will also be able to provide some rafts on hire.
The most difficult but exciting option for river running is on the Zanskar along its spectacular course through the gorge in the Zanskar mountains, between Padum and Nimo. This is suitable only for well organized white-water expedition, prepared for several days of river running and camping in absolute wilderness. Participants are required to be trained rafters themselves while the arrangements should be assigned to a dependable professional agency. Adequate arrangements for rescue coverage is an essential pre-requisite for embarking upon a white -water expedition on river like the Zanskar.
River rafting in Ladakh takes you through its picturesque landscape, consisting of deep canyons, soaring snow-covered peaks, hilltop monasteries, hillside villages, and unique wildlife. The best time for river rafting tourism in Ladakh is from June to October. Amongst the numerous options for white water rafting in Leh Ladakh, the main ones are:
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